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Closing workshop of the Forecast project

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The project partners gathered in Montpellier from December 17th to 19th 2018, to share results, discuss opportunities of follow-up and further collaborations, and close the project.

A pedagogic platform has been developed, and will soon be released, by IRC/Supagro Montpellier, with films, datasets and documents.

The project succeeded in creating a new product: the software “OMEGA” (‘Outil de Modélisation de l’Exploitation aGricole et Agroforestière’, modeling tool for agricultural and agroforestry farms) that includes the former “Olympe” and “Mapvillage” but unfortunately, due to late recruitment of the informatician, OMEGA is not yet completed with 100 % functions.

The project enabled several case studies in Cameroon, Madagascar, Nicaragua and Costa Rica with Master students. These studies generated interesting documents, databases on Olympe and Mapvillage, and feedbacks on the use of the softwares. The outputs are Master thesis, working documents, congress communications and several forthcoming scientific publications.

A fruit full collaboration has been developed between CIRAD, Montpellier SupAgro, ULG, ESSA/Madagascar and CATIE.

Published: 19/02/2019

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